Dealing with a sudden cash flow crisis, even if you’re working hard to avoid shortfalls, is hugely distracting and stressful. A formerly reliable customer might take much longer to pay than anticipated or a large consignment might fail to show up, leaving you out of pocket. If you’re starting a business, it could simply be taking longer than expected to turn a profit.
Develop red light systems to warn you automatically if something needs querying:
Building productive relationships with your key suppliers is important, so they are prepared to extend extra credit to you when you need it.
If you have accounting software then it should be relatively easy to view your red flags weekly, monthly (or any period you set).
Below are some common causes and possible solutions of a cash crisis you may need to solve:
There may be other causes such as the global pandemic we’re facing currently. In each case, understand the cause and the action you’re taking to avoid a repeat, such as diversifying your customer base or using your cash flow statements and forecasts to time purchases more appropriately.
If you do find yourself in a cash crisis (it’s a temporary hitch and the business is still sound), there are a number of funding options to consider, ranging from self-financing or bank loans to finding a business partner. The relative attractiveness of each option will depend on the size of your cash flow shortfall and how long you’re likely to need the cash.
Before you look for external sources of funding however can you free up cash from within your business? For example:
If you need a business loan and have a good banking track record, it could be little more than a formality to get a higher overdraft facility or access to a business loan to tide you over. If you’re going to need quite a lot more money, you’ll likely have to present a more detailed business plan and financial forecasts.
If you have cash tied up in unpaid invoicing, you might qualify for invoice finance. This facility enables you with immediate access up to 80 per cent of the value of any unpaid invoices that your business might have. It helps free cash flow by releasing money from unpaid invoices as and when you need it.
If your business can’t afford to service loan repayments out of surplus cash flow, then it may need more capital so you could consider taking on a business partner to invest in your business. There are advantages but also pitfalls to avoid. Get expert advice first from your accountant and your lawyer – they may know of suitable investors. Be aware that you’ll need to share the ownership of your business if you go down this path.
You could ask family, friends or business colleagues to help out with a temporary or longer-term loan. It’s best to put the agreement in writing and get everyone to sign it, so that both sides are clear on what has been agreed. Be aware that this sort of agreement could strain personal or working relationships if things go wrong, so treat it as a last option.
Managing cash in a crisis is stressful for any business owner, but you do have options starting with preventative measures such as cash flow statements and forecasts and sourcing finance.
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